Digital Media Marketing
Summer Employment
Opportunity 2021
Hello everyone! My name is Anh and below are the projects I made throughout the Digital Media Marketing internship :)
MY life during the pandemic
Since we entered quarantine in March 2020, I have been trying to improve myself physically and mentally. I have faced many obstacles in the past year that have influenced the person I am today.
During the pandemic, we saw a rise in Asian hate crimes. After seeing so many racist attacks flood my explore page, I started reading more articles about the different social justice issues. As an Asian American, I was terrified to step out of my home and was constantly worried about my family’s safety. Before the pandemic, I never felt the need to carry a weapon when I went out, but now I don’t feel safe leaving the house without my pepper spray. I have been a victim of a few racist verbal attacks during the pandemic, and one of the incidents happened with a child. The thought of a child spewing racist remarks makes me feel disappointed at how normalized racism is in our society. Even one of my teachers thought it was perfectly fine to stereotype the Asian community. All of these incidents led me to share my story through the programs I’m part of and to say something when there’s a problem.
Everyone knows we start to lose friendships when we leave for college, but I wasn't expecting to lose friends a year early. Transitioning from in-person to online was for sure a challenge because of how difficult it was to stay connected with friends, but it showed me who was willing to reach out even though we could no longer see each other. The pandemic showed people’s true colors, and I’m glad I learned this sooner than later. I would say I was a push-over before the pandemic, and I would let people walk over me. During the pandemic, I had a lot of time to reflect on my past experiences, and I realized that I kept people in my life who did not deserve my friendship. I prioritized people who did not prioritize me. I lost many friends in the past year, but I made new ones along the way. To think I let these people determine my self-worth, what a shame.
Although I experienced many obstacles that weren't mentioned above, the pandemic taught me a lot about myself. I learned that I'm interested in social justice and that I should let go of people who hold no importance in my life.
Honestly, this was one cheesy and jumpy story, but I hope you enjoyed reading it!




Mini Q&A
1) With a minimum of 100 words, how did the Digital Media Marketing Summer Opportunity change your perception of the internet and social media?
The Digital Media Marketing Summer Opportunity made me realize how difficult it is to create Instagram posts from scratch. We have been using templates to create our posts and websites, but it’s already difficult to use templates. There is so much planning and research that goes into every post, and although posts may look effortless, a lot of thought went into each post. Now, I have more respect for marketers and how they make all their advertisements so simple yet so aesthetically pleasing. I learned that there are many ways to market your product or brand through social media and websites.
2) With a minimum of 50 words, which ideas do you want to keep exploring beyond this summer opportunity?
In the future, I want to explore different social media platforms and the thought process behind how big companies market their brand. Also, I would like to hear other non-profits’ opinions on using social media to promote themselves and if they were more successful using platforms other than Instagram. Lastly, I want to learn more about WIX and the various tools on the site.
3) What advice would you give an incoming student about Oakland High?
My advice for incoming students at Oakland High is to explore your interests. Join clubs and programs outside your comfort zone because you never know; you might enjoy something you never thought you would.