Digital Media Marketing
Summer Employment
Opportunity 2021
Aniyah Story
Hello everyone! My name is Aniyah Story and I am a Digital Media Marketing intern for summer 2021. With no doubt, I can say that this program has shifted the way I perceive media and the way I produce it. After learning about the basics of graphic design and its elements, I now find myself viewing media with harsher criticism. I can also say that I seek out those elements when consuming media. Another way that this internship has warped my perspectives on media, is through the many uses of social media. I had always looked at social media as a promotional place for individuals and sometimes projects. I never saw it as a way to educate others and influence them to indulge in healthy habits.
About Me

one of my first projects

summer essentials
Navigating a Pandemic Through Media, 11 Things I Can't Live Without and 2020 Reflections
I still remember the day when I heard the announcement over the loud speakers at school saying that we would be on a three week spring break due to COVID-19 concerns. I saw it not only as a time of caution but a time of reinvention. The same weekend of the closures, I had gotten three new piercings and I remember being excited to show them off at school three weeks later; but here I am. Here I am, with the same three piercings a year and a half later, still waiting to show them off to my classmates. However, looking back on the last year and a half, there were moments much more painful than hidden piercings. From my own mental health to the physical health of my close family, the year 2020 will definitely go down as one of the most traumatic. There were moments where I was unable to show up for myself, and it was those moments where my family needed me most. It was in those moments when I was forced to say goodbye to loved ones before I could even process what was happening. 2020 shocked me with a move far away from the places I had always known, a place where my house is surrounded by empty fields and dry grass. Even though 2020 was one of the worst years for me, it also happens to be the one with the most growth. Despite struggling with my mental health, I still found ways to make the best of situations and learn new things about myself. Spending a lot of the year at home all by myself pushed me into space for self discovery. It allowed me to be alone with my feelings and really think about what they are and what they mean. I learned that I’m in control of my own feelings and that I can take ownership of who I am. Another thing 2020 brought to me was learning to be alone. For a long time, I had always thought I needed friends to have a good time, but now I’m learning about all of the things you can do for yourself. It can be as simple as drawing, reading, or walking. I find that it’s the simple activities that make me feel best. I also find that living a more stationary lifestyle has allowed me to stay more consistent with my routines.

Media Marketing Summer Projects

Beyond summer media marketing, I would like to explore more graphic design opportunities. I really enjoyed creating the graphics and I could see myself doing work for non-profit organizations or social media pages. I would like to create logos and social media posts that are educational or promote healthy lifestyles.
To all of the other students out there. Make sure you wear sunscreen and do what makes you happy :)