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Digital Media Marketing
Summer Employment
Opportunity 2021
Shatha Yafai
My Experience From March 2020 Till Now
Hi! I'm going to talk about my experience beginning in march 2020. At first when I heard about Covid and that we weren't going to school I was happy and relieved because school time was cut short. But as months passed by everything started closing down, and the pandemic started to feel real and exhausting. We started doing online learning. I liked it but it was hard for me to actually learn and concentrate since I was learning at home, which gave me lots of distractions. Many changes were made. I had to start wearing masks, I couldn't hang out with anyone to not risk getting Covid and I stayed home a lot in the beginning of the pandemic. As time passed I learned to manage it but it still a very exhausting thing to do. I experienced many changes, some that I really didn't like and some that I'm very thankful for. It was very depressing seeing so many people dying in the past year because of covid. I'm very grateful that none of my family got covid and that we actually took it seriously. A couple of family friends got it but thankfully they recovered well. I was bored since I had all this time and nothing to do so I started looking for internships that interested me and what I want to do in the future and so I can build up my resume. I had an internship with ebayc during school. It was fun and I met a lot of great people. I also wanted to do an internship in the summer so I applied for Digital Media Marketing from the ebayc program. The internship is great. I learned a lot more and I'll get to that later on. The pandemic gave me lots of free time and I'll admit I could’ve used more of that time wisely but there were a lot of bumps in the road so I got distracted a lot. But lately I've been doing well and using up my time wisely. The pandemic gave me lots of free time and I'll admit I could’ve used more of that time wisely but there were a lot of bumps in the road so I got distracted a lot. But lately I've been doing well and using up my time wisely. In a way the pandemic helped me grow and better myself.

My Instagram Intro Post

Intern's Interview Mood Board


More Work That I've Done

My Intake on the Internship Digital media Marketing
Digital Marketing Media really changed my perception on social media, it showed me ways I can promote products and many more. This internship helped me practice and understand how marketing digitally works and this helped me to not be afraid to make mistakes since it was practice. This gave me the courage to look more into Digital Marketing Media and made me realize that it's not impossible for me to do.
My Advice for incoming Oakland High Students
Stay focused but also have fun, try to join clubs. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!
Ideas I Want To Explore Beyond This Summer Opportunity
I would like to learn more ways people promote their products on social media and get more into that. Also explore more and try new things, like the website that we did.
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