Digital Media Marketing
Summer Employment
Opportunity 2021
Hi, I'm Lily!
I'm a rising senior, attending Oakland High. I'm also a student of the Public Health Academy. (PHA)
I'd consider the time from March 20, 2020 to present-day, an eye-opening experience; however, there were cons to quarantine-life. I was able to relax & take a step back. I enjoyed the time I had, being able to spend it with family; strong on family-orientation. Online School, I loved it; losing the responsibility of waking up & heading to the building. Oftentimes, students ranted about their preference of in-person schooling, instead of online. I, on the other-hand, am the opposite. I prefer online. It's easier & hassle-free; hop-on Zoom and follow the instructor.
I began to exercise & changed my lifestyle; including improved eating habits. I eliminated carbonated drinks & limited my intake of (junky) snacks. In addition, I, recently, understood the importance of sleep. Initially, I would endure the day, on 7-hours of sleep. I've been told that 8+ hours is recommended but I shrugged it off. I, then, began to feel the repercussions & decided to make a change. Instantly, I noticed the improvement of my physical/mental health.
Contrarily, allowing myself to go with the flow, I missed out on outings, such as dining-in at my favorite restaurant or heading to the mall; factoring-in the strict rules & lockdown. I was also unable to visit my friends. COVID-19, with the virus being fairly new, it was a horrifying experience. I was afraid to catch COVID and I worried about the surges of supplies running out. Quarantine-Life lasted a year, but March-May of 2020 was chaotic. From March-June, the shortage of toilet-paper was the "talk" of the world; many were panic-buying. I remember, Spring-Break was extended due to cases of COVID, increasing around the world. Next thing, we're on lockdown, all the way to the mid-months of 2021. Thankfully, life as we know it, is coming to an end. In August of 2021, in-person schooling will resume. I've talked with my friends about it & many are ecstatic. I'm looking forward to seeing friends, but I'm dreading the process. I'm sure it'll be difficult to maintain & readjust. I'm used to sleeping in, but that'll change, since school starts at 8:30. It's all new for me. Additionally, California has opened up its economy; meaning... "no more physical distancing, capacity limits, county tiers, & relaxed mask guidance." I've heard of a new strain, though, known as the "Delta Variant". I believe the variant is deadlier & spreads faster than the original. I'm hoping for the best. Nonetheless, Quarantine-Life was enjoyable & an interesting experience.
The Digital Media Marketing Summer Opportunity, allowed me to explore various multimedias and its elements. I've came to the realization of how the Internet & Social Media, can be a useful tool. During the 6-7 week-long program, I was fortunate to work with programs, such as: Canva & Google Drawing.
The Interns were tasked with, working as a team to produce digital-media images and messages focused on promoting physical/mental wellness, by... 1. participating in campaign conceptualization and campaign strategy workshops using graphic design, website development and Instagram. Secondly, produce and implement a specific message and platform strategy. Third, submitting works-in-progress to receive peer and supervisor feedback. Lastly, disseminate using social media." Us, together, meshed the use of Internet & Social Media, to achieve our results.
Realistically, I've been weighing my options, but I'm open to exploring a thing that's similar. During the Internship, given the opportunity to explore one of my passions, I've come to a deeper liking; I enjoy activities that deal with artistic forms and designs. - I'm considering in venturing towards the Art or Fashion field.
Advice: I suggest... getting involved & participating, in things that interests you!